Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Nacho Ride was awesome tonight!

Who'd of known how much fun a bike ride can be? The Nacho Ride had a outstanding crowd tonight.

Everyone was really laid back and easy-going. It was a easy ride to the OED and the food was great. All the riders were so encouraging and supportive. There were over 50 that came out for the Nacho Ride! What a great group!

Here's hoping you'll make time in the weeks to come to join us. It's free to ride, you don't need to be in any club or group and its a super ride for new cyclists. It's really therapeutic, and a fun way to clear your mind for a few hours and recharge for the rest of the week.

Continue to check this blog or the Nacho Ride web site or just show up at 5:30 on Tuesdays. Hope to see you on the Nacho Ride soon. Also, don't forget about the Silent Ride tomorrow night.

I rode to work this morning, but drove home. Then with the nacho Ride I spun a total of 31.54 miles altogether today.

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