Happy Cinco De Mayo! Celebrate today as they do in Old Mexico by bike riding to eat Nachos and 75 cent Tacos - no H1-N1 virus mask needed.
The Nacho Ride is not an athletic type ride, it's very laid back and social. Free of charge, you don't need to be in any group or club or anything. If your fast there will be fast riders you can join. If your in-between their will be people just like you there too. And if your really slow, you can ride with me. You'll know me, cause I'll be the stinky guy with the big thighs.
Trust me, you'll love the Nacho Ride! Cancel your plans for this evening and we'll all meet just South of O St. on 84th at the Mopac Trail Head at 5:30. If your late, that's fine too, people will still be at the OED when you arrive.
Today's ride is the 1st anniversary of the Nacho Ride. Let's make it a big crowd.
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