Saturday, May 30, 2009
Lincoln Ne cycling events: Biketacular and the Capital City Criterium bicycle races held today.
Mens cycling cat 1, 2 & 3 race in the Capital City Criterium in Lincoln.
15 racers. All finished.
Ian Gray with the win!
2nd. Justin Maresh
3rd. Cody McCullough
Very fast with crazy strength!
Cat 4 race at the Capital City Criterium.
A very exciting finish! When Pierce Vaughn passed Marshall Lucas at the line! Lucas had led most of the race. 3rd place went to Jeremy Eisenhauer. Followed by Dan Spray and Rick McGee.
Shout out to Nearsouth Neighborhood, Bike Pedalers & The city of Lincoln Ne.
Juniors race results at the CCC.
1st. Abby Burke
2nd. Duryea Simone
1st. Justin Kohl
2nd. Noah Burke
Sorry. I didn't get a pic.
Lincoln's Mayor Announces New Bicycle Winners.
Lincoln Cycle Officer Marti gives demo.
Our youngest hits 100 at Biketacular!
Friday, May 29, 2009
Took 3 tries to figure it out...
To work and back and from Tierra Park to Friday Nights Live - 26.39 miles today.
D'funk Rocks S. Point Mall On A Beautiful Night!
We rode here from Tierra Park. Lots of bikes in the bike racks here tonight. This is too fun. Hope you make time to come to some of these shows, every friday night through the summer.
Hope to see you tomorrow at the CCC and Biketacular.
Love, Scotch Tapped Pistol Grips, Dieablo & Spray Park
Took it easy on the ride home and wondered how the obviously much loved cap gun broke and the grips ended up abandoned on the bike trail.
I realized there is probally another broken hearted little guy out there when I spotted this "Jump like a frog" Dieablo hat on the Billy Wolff trail.
Spring love is in full bloom as evidenced by the couple I sped by (not pictured) frenching in the 27th St underpass and the lovers sitting on the rocks east of the zoo.
And I couldn't help but wish I was one of the preschoolers running through the spray fountains in the park.
There were lots of bikes out on the trails. Hope you'll make time to play outside. Have fun! You never know what you'll see!
Saturday watch bike races and kids events at Biketacular & the CCC

She rides again.

"I'll tell you what I think of bicycling. I think it has done more to emancipate women than any one thing in the world. I rejoice every time I see a woman ride by on a bike. It gives her a feeling of self-reliance and independence the moment she takes her seat; and away she goes, the picture of untrammelled womanhood."
- Susan B. Anthony 1896
She rode quite a bit last year, but this spring has been so busy that my wife hasn't been out yet. Well, today she and I and all our kids are going to ride (at least part of the way) to Friday Nights Live at the South Point Mall. I'm really excited to go, those shows are always good. And I love to ride with my wife and kids.
We're still on the fence weather we'll ride all the way, (17.85 miles round trip) it'd be the same as I rode on Monday. Or if we'll drive to Shopko on 27th & Hwy 2 and ride from there (maybe half the miles).
God rolled out the red carpet this morning - Wow! What a beautiful ride.

Have you been out yet this morning? Jeez, it's gorgeous! This is a day I am wishing the office was farther from home. The commute into work was too short.
I'm trying to think of a way to describe how you feel after a ride like this... I really can't... Just totally happy and content. Like maybe the way you feel after a really amazing meal, or after "you know what" when you just threw down your best moves and know you couldn't have been better or feel closer than you do right now. Or after a moving sermon, book, song or movie that changes the way you see the world. It's kind of like wow this is great! Followed by a warm glow and a smile that you couldn't take off your face if you tried.
If the cops find out how good and addictive this is... bike shops may have to close and we'll have bike dealers on the corners, in dark alleys and hanging around schools trying to get kids hooked.
BTW, I lost 1/2 a pound this week.
Thursday, May 28, 2009
Urban Velo came in the mail today!
PANgea plays for free Friday night 7-9pm Stransky Park

Whoo Hoo!
Reached 3,000 miles on the bike this morning on the way to work. That's 2,000 from 2008 and 1,000 so far this year.
I had a goal to hit 1,000 this year before the TDN, I didn't tell anyone incase I failed. Now if I can just get in a couple of longer mile rides before the tour, then I'll really feel like I'm ready. It's hard to find the time though.
A end of day update: The ride home from work was great. I stopped in at my LBS Bike Pedalers on 33rd & B St. visited with them about new narrower tires that might offer a little less road resistance and some preventive maintenance including break pads, new chain and rear set as well as a tune-up. They ordered the parts. I'll take it in a couple weeks so it'll be freshly tuned for the tour. I can't get over how they really go the extra mile for their customers. There is nothing as sweet as a freshly tuned up bike and the confidence that goes along with knowing you'll be safe to explore anywhere without safety issues or a break down. Today's miles = 21.32Wednesday, May 27, 2009
Need a clothes dryer for the office.
Had a wet ride into work this morning, and could see my breath at times. The underpasses had up to 6" of water over the trail in spots like the north end of the 27th St. underpass.
But really it wasn't that bad. Once you've rode in the rain you realize it's not a big deal. Just take it easy when you turn or break. Sure, you get wet, but it's nothing some dry clothes once your at work won't solve.
I set up a fan to dry my shoes, socks and gloves for the ride home. It worked well. And the ride home blessed me with an encouraging tail wind. It was a great ride home!
Tomorrow will be a big day! I can't wait. Today's miles = 20.43.
Bike to Friday Nights Live to see D'Funk! $1

At the South Point Mall Friday Nights Live Concert Series Presented by LifePointe by Bryan LGH Every Friday, May 29-August 28, 6:30-8:30pm $1 Donation requested to benefit the Child Advocacy Center.
May 29: Join the KOLN-TV 10/11 evening news team: Ken Siemek, Jon Vanderford and Serese Cole, and Gina of B107.3's Morning Show live in Center Courtyard as we kick off the series with the Child Advocacy Center. Grillin' by Famous Dave's; treats by Incredible Bulk-Colby Ridge. Blankets and lawn chairs welcome.
Bike the South Point Trail to get there. These concerts are awesome!
This Friday is D'Funk 6:30 - 8:30!
Tuesday, May 26, 2009
A damp, but fun Nacho Ride Adventure.
Around a dozen of us braved the drizzle that turned to a shower as we neared the OED in Eagle.
Despite the moisture spirits were high and we now have another cycling adventure to add to our resume.
It truly was a blast, everyone was so fun to visit with, and a little weather brings out the best survival stories.
On the return trip to Lincoln the lines from Forest Gump kept playing in my head. "We been through every kind of rain there is. Little bitty stingin' rain... and big ol' fat rain. Rain that flew in sideways. And sometimes rain even seemed to come straight up from underneath."
But hey, cycling is like a box of chok-ah-lots, you never know what cha gunna get!
Rain or shine, please join us next week for another harrowing Nacho Ride!
Rode to work, then the Nacho Ride. Today's miles = 42.75.
Thanks for the hits!

Found Bike. Stolen?
Found on the John Dietrich bike path between 24th St. and 25th St. at 6:45 this morning. I left it since I was on a bike myself.
Serial Number: snfsd07el0804. It's a Roadmaster MtSport 5X.
Feels like Monday, but today is the Nacho Ride! Yea!

Monday, May 25, 2009
Our youngest's 'outdoor' B-day party with friends.
Our youngest had boys from his class out to Holmes Lake for a 'outdoor' birthday party. They rode bikes, had squirt gun fights, canoed, fished and ate.
Afterword his friend Brady took him sailing out on his boat. Everyone had a great time and our youngest enjoyed a birthday weekend he'll never forget.
Before the party I tried to get in a few miles and took the Billy Wolff to the Rock Island to the Tierra Williamsburg to the Southpoint, then back on the Rock Island and Billy Wolff for a total of 17.85 miles.
A special thanks to everyone who made this weekend so fun for our youngest. And being a part of it all was a good time for me too, and helped take the sting out of his birthday.