Wednesday, August 19, 2009

"Can" she be any sweeter? I think not!

Our anniversary is around the corner. We took the day off work to see the kids off on their first day of school and celebrate our anniversary.

Weeks ago she asked what I wanted, of course without missing a beat, I said "a new bike". She said what I already knew, "I can't buy you a bike, but if I could I would."

Well, to that I said, "How about a bank without a plug, to save up for a bike, one that we couldn't dip into for foolish things like feeding the kids or keeping the lights on?"

She shopped for one, but had no luck and eventually thought of a big juice can. She poked a little hole in the top to stick dollar bills through.

She gave me the can and $100 seed money. But, more touching was the fact that she is supportive of a new bike. (eventually) I couldn't have thought of a sweeter gift! Baby steps, but hey, I'm through dreaming about a new bike and now working toward getting one!

When I first opened it and shook it I could hear something in the can. I asked if she put money in it already. She said no, better! That instead of buying an anniversary card, she wrote me a love note and stuffed it in there. How sweet!

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