Monday, August 31, 2009
"Fall" in love with the Nacho Ride all over again!

Sunday, August 30, 2009
Spending Some of Sunday Spinning.
Our youngest and I had a bit of time before supper, so we rode around Holmes Lake then East to check out what was going on at the dog run.
On the way back we spotted more graffiti by "Dush" (pronounced 'douche' as in: "Graffiti vandals are douche bags!") at least he admits he has "no life". I agree. This is the same guy who has painted his street name on anything that'll hold still long enough on the trail near the zoo.
Today's miles: a leisurely 5.14
Saturday, August 29, 2009
A relaxing day messing around outdoors.
I met up with another cyclist at the Mopac Trailhead on 84th early this morning for a spin to Eagle & back.
Then late this afternoon the wife & I took a walk around Holmes Lake. Afterwards the kids set up empty pop cans filled with water in the driveway in a obstacle course pattern and we tried to weave our bikes through them without hitting any... It eventually turned into a waterfight, followed by a fire on the patio, grilled burgers, and back yard volleyball with our daughter.
Today's miles = 30.11.
Friday, August 28, 2009
Critical Mass - Daisy Duke Theme!
A good crowd gathered in front of the Capital for August's Critical Mass tonight in Lincoln. We cruised the streets of downtown for a little over an hour.
Drivers and those walking the streets or eating outside haymarket restaurants were all smiles and waves, and had that look of envy in their eyes. We tad techno to ride and dance to, and the Daisy Duke outfits were a hoot! It was such a fun crowd, hollering "happy Friday!" and "hello!" to everyone we passed. A super fun group, raising awareness and having a great time doing it on the last Friday of each month. Join the Lincoln Critical Mass Facebook group to keep up on the monthly ride.
Today's ride to work and back, then downtown for the Critical Mass ride and home again added up to 36.44 miles.
Thursday, August 27, 2009
Riding & window shopping.
I had the day off, so I took a morning spin across town and got my pick-up from the office. I then went to Cycle Works on 27th to test ride a Giant cyclecross bike they've been advertising. It was a cool bike... But, ehh...
I also tried a Giant hybrid for about the same money and wasn't impressed.
Later this afternoon I set out for another ride going South down the Rock Island then took the Tierra Williamsburg to the "Man Sale" near Super Target on 40th St. On the way back I paused to watch some BMX'ers doing their thing at the skate park. I then stopped off at the Bike Rack on 33rd & Pioneers and fell in love!
I've always dreamed about a bike that really fit. Even on my bike, that I've thus far preferred over anything else I've test rode, (besides the fixie - fun, but not practical for the riding I do) I've always felt like I was 'riding' it. But, I've always wished for something that was lighter, more responsive, quicker and yet comfortable. Well, the Trek 7.6 was everything I 'd hoped to find. They make a 7.7 that should even be a step up, but didn't have one in stock. Riding it I didn't feel like I was teetering on top of a bike trying to force it where I want it to go. It seemed like I was just floating. It was so nimble, yet predictable!
Climbing, braking, wheelies, bunnie hops, power stands, and speed like I've never seen while feeling so well balanced and in control. It was remarkable how much more I love this bike over anything I've been on before.
As I continue to feed my new can I'll continue to try other bikes, but I really, really love the Trek 7.6! The one I rode was a 2009, the 2010 comes in a color I like better than the blue 2009. This one is discounted since its the end of the season. But it'll be well into next year, at best, before the can is full enough to get a new bike. Hey, at least it'll be a cool color.
Sorry to ramble, but it was so amazing how great this bike is! And I'm thrilled to have found something that I really love. Today I logged exactly 26 miles on my bike, I can't count how far I rode on the Trek, because that wouldn't really be fair, it was too easy to ride.
Wednesday, August 26, 2009
I went for a little bike ride tonight.
Tuesday, August 25, 2009
Tom Knapp will perform for free in G.I. Saturday!

Last "official" Nacho Ride is tonight.

The GPBC is calling tonight the last "official" Nacho Ride of the season. With darkness coming on earlier and earlier for safety reasons the Nacho Ride will transition into "unofficial" mode following tonight's ride.
Feel free to Nacho Ride year-round, just know that it's only endorsed during times when it's light well into the evening. But with lights on your bike and a little extra caution the Mopac Trail Nacho Ride can be enjoyed well into the fall and winter months.
Unfortunately I scheduled my wedding to take place 9 years ago today, not knowing it would land on a Nacho Ride night, so I will be Nacho Riding tonight only in my mind. I've done the Nacho Ride 19 out of the last 20 Tuesday nights giving me a total so far of 380 Nacho Ride miles down the Mopac to Eagle and back, and the One Eye'd Dog Saloon has served up 57 tacos and around 40 Mountain Dews to fuel me back home. I've made countless friends and look forward to continuing to Nacho Ride into the fall season. Click here to read about my past Nacho Rides. And be sure to check the official Nacho Ride site by clicking here. Have a great time tonight and continue to check back for more unofficial Nacho Ride reports as well as a big upcoming event at the One Eye'd Dog Saloon that'll be great to ride to.
Monday, August 24, 2009
No "Bike Rest Stop"?
I ride by this piece of art every day on my commute to and from work, I noticed today that it was missing, hope it'll be back soon.
Today's miles to work and back = 19.85.
Sunday, August 23, 2009
A bike wedding procession?
GPBC Heatstroke 100 ride 2009
Today was the Great Plains Bike Club's annual Heatstroke 100 ride. It began at the SAC Museum near Ashland and had distances from 24 - 105 miles. There were reported to be around 400 riders.
I met up with some friends from TDN and we did loop 1 and 2 and a couple of them continued on to also ride loop 3 for a total of 105 miles.
The first SAG stop was on the North end of the Lied Bridge.
Very scenic!
Tough hills, but so much fun to go down!
An Airboat on the Platte.
All smiles while crossing the Platte in Louisville. (that's before we knew about the big hills we had to climb going into the wind on the South side of Louisville!)
SAG food included Hot Tamales incase you weren't warm enough! Ha!
A cemetery SAG stop. (is this a mean joke?)
A country church is a focal point in the rolling farmland.
Yes, that's a skirt the lady on the left is riding in.
The wind was strong and the hills were memorable, but the route was scenic and the crowd was fun. I started at 7:40 and finished the 59 mile route at 12:20. With some extra riding around I got in 60.09 miles today. And a total of 222.09 for the week making this my strongest week since the TDN in June.
Saturday, August 22, 2009
Family afternoon at Holmes Lake.
Our youngest biked a couple laps on the trail around the lake with my wife and I while our daughter walked around it with a friend.
This morning's discovery ride and our ride at the lake got me 21.68 miles today.
GPTN Discovery Ride.
Friday, August 21, 2009
Another uneventful commute.
Thursday, August 20, 2009
Scenes from the Iowa Taco Ride.
Views of the trail.
Riders get a chance to talk while headed to Mineola.
Now I've seen it all. A blue matching Mag Lite Duct tapped to the top tube. And a big styrofoam cooler tied on with bailing twine! (is that red-neck or what?)
Never too young to Taco Ride. Here a toddler is helped out for a break and chance to stretch at Margaritaville.
This sign is overrun with bike team stickers.
Riders take a breather and have a drink at Margaritaville.
Old ford tractor for sale on the side of the trail in Mineola.
The Mineola Steakhouse! It's taco time!
I'll bet this good ol' boy didn't bike to Mineola.
'Watch my wife' sign posted above the bar.
Another 5 minute rain storm has Taco Riders using their menus to stay dry in the beer garden.
The Taco Ride is every Thursday from Council Bluffs to Mineola Ia. It's 10 miles each way and a ton of fun. Check out http://www.tacoride.com/ to find out more.
Today's miles riding Omaha's river front, the Bob Kerrey bridge & the Taco Ride = 30.29