The weather yesterday day stunk. But none the less we got out and had some free fun. (indoors, but outdoor related mind you) On Sunday March 29th the youngest needed a library book for a book report that was due by the end of March. Nothing like waiting till the last minute, huh? Naturally, I offer to take him, on our bikes, he agrees and we’re off. The library is down hill 1 mile away, we had a strong wind at our backs and the ride there was effortless. There was hardly room in the bike rack. Not complaining though. It’s always nice to see that. We go inside and he chooses a biography on Amelia Earhart, he’s an aspiring pilot and has 5 pilots in his extended family, so he loves books about flying. We then go east to the top of the Holmes Lake Dam and ride across it going southwest to get home and log another 1.6 miles. We see a dad with 3 kids the youngest with a cowboy hat carrying their fishing gear along the shore in a wagon pushed and pulled by his little outdoorsmen. I love it!
Well, Monday grandma emails me asking how we are, and I tell her about our ride and his book report. (Yes, he did get all 128 pages read and the report done in time.) Yesterday grandma emails me again telling me she knows Diane Ruth Armour Bartels! Author of Sharpie - The Life Story of Evelyn Sharp famous female Barnstormer & WWII Ferry Pilot, and that she’s arranged for us to meet her at the LPS Science Fair at Pershing.
After school I tell our 11 yr old and he decides he’d like to write his April book report on Evelyn Sharp. So we go to Pershing. Diane is delightful and offers to answer any questions he might have and also offers to come to his school to speak to his class. He’s on cloud nine with the thought of bringing a published author to school!!!
The 11 yr old also got to fly a flight simulator from ‘Seward’s airport to Lincoln’s airport’ at an exhibit put on by Starbase Nebraska.
Also, I’ve got to tell you the guest speaker at the science fair was internationally known conservation photographer Michael Forsberg. He’s a Lincoln native. He went up on stage in full turkey hunting garb, all camo. With cameras slung over both shoulders. He gave a great presentation on photographing wildlife and also incorporated science’s roll in wildlife conservation by showing pictures he’d taken of biologist, veterinarians, and other scientist studying wildlife. This drove home to the kids, that not all scientists wear lab coats and work inside.
For you cyclist, his site featured an awesome MTB picture from Chadron St. Park! His work can be found in his gallery in the haymarket or on-line. Pretty neat day considering we had to spend it inside.
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