Monday, July 6, 2009

Violation of Traffic Control Device - written warning. Should have biked!

Whew! I lucked out on that one. This is what you get when you make a right turn on red at an intersection with signs saying not to.

The velo gods are gently reminding me that I was chosen to be a cyclist and not to restrict myself or deny my calling. Obey the bike gods and ride your bike or bad 'car'ma will follow you (and pull you over!) ha!

Besides, there are no restrictions to right turns on Lincolns bike trails. So, if you are like me, and can't master driving regulations stick to biking and save the car for driving to cycling events. And, as driveway bling bling to fool would-be-thieves into thinking you don't have a garage full of two wheeled miracles. A $5,000 vehicle in the drive prevents bike theft better than any lock.

Still, as a show of respect to the velo gods and to help me sleep at night I use a U-lock, cable lock, 3 deadbolts, motion sensors, body heat detectors, trip wires, trap door, great danes and a underground vault to keep my bike safe... Just incase.

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