Taken from the Cycle Works newsletter (click here to subscribe):
3 Reasons to Ride for Life: For your Health, for the World, For our Future.
Your Health
The average person loses 13 lbs. their first year of commuting by bike.
Just 3 hours of bicycling per week can reduce your risk of heart disease and stroke by 50%.
A 140-pound cyclist burns 508 calories while pedaling 14 miles in an hour.
Our World
The U.S. could save 462 million gallons of gasoline a year by increasing cycling from 1% to 1.5% of all trips.
Each U.S. rush-hour auto commuter spends an average of 50 hours a year stuck in traffic.
In 2003, cars idling in traffic wasted 5 billion gallons of fuel.
Our Future
In 1964 50% of kids rode to school and the obesity rate was 12%... in 2004, 3% rode to school and the obesity rate was 45%. (WOW!)
Between 1960 and today the average weight of a 6-11 year old has increased 11pounds
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