The night was perfect as dozens of us rode the downtown streets for Critical Mass. It's a great chance to see old friends and meet new ones. After riding to work and back, plus critical mass I got a total of 33.5 miles today. That puts April's mileage at 745.4 miles of fun. What a great month! Hope to see you out on your bike during May!
Friday, April 30, 2010
Boat, err, ah, I mean Bike to work.
Last nights thunderstorms had passed by the time I was ready to ride to work. But the bike trail underpasses were flooded still. Once I got to the office I noticed the grossest thing ever! A nightcrawler had been flung up by my rear wheel and it's carcus was wrapped around my brake. Yuck! On the ride home I saw workers using a small street cleaner to clean the trail in the Antelope Valley Project for Sunday's marathon. It's nice to ride through there without junk to dodge on the path.
Thursday, April 29, 2010
Getting excited about TDN and a summer full of biking.
The TDN handbook came in the mail a few days ago and I finally got around to opening it. I can't wait! Today's ride to work was cake, but the ride home into the wind was slow and I just took it easy and enjoyed the sights of the city. Tomorrow is Critical Mass, and Saturday the 'Just Do It' ride starts at Holmes Lake at 8am. Today's miles = 19.8
If you lost your virgin...
1/2 a commute & the GPBC Full Moon Ride.
I rode to work this morning, but this afternoon's 30 mph headwinds with gusts up to 45 mph found me driving home.
Tonight was the GPBC's Full Moon Ride. I rode to Peterpan Park from home for the start of the ride. A dozen of us went down the Mopac to Walton and back before Patches and I turned for home. Today's total miles = 34.8
Tuesday, April 27, 2010
The last 'practice' Nacho Ride this spring.
The Tuesday night Nacho Ride offically starts next week, so tonight was our last chance to ride off the books. Check For all the details.
It was a perfect evening for a ride and a couple of dozen other cyclist had the same idea. We rode home under a full moon. Speaking of a full moon, tomorrow is the GPBC Full Moon Ride at 8:30, starts at Peter Pan Park. I also got 1/2 a commute in this afternoon giving me 38.4 miles for the day.
Sunday, April 25, 2010
GPBC Spring Fling ride. Wind 1 - Bikers 0.
Today was the GPBC's Spring Fling. I had a great time riding with a bunch of good friends and had a chance to make some new ones. But, as far as epic miles, today was a epic fail.
I left home and rode to Eagle for the start, the route was up to 30 miles from Eagle to Lewisville, or less if you wanted to turn back early. The Northwest wind was unbelievable! Most made it to Murdock then rode back. We did too. I was hoping for 85 miles for the day, but it wasn't in the cards. We even rode through some rain. It was a great day socially, but not weatherwise. Today's miles = 60.4
Saturday, April 24, 2010
Thanks for hitting this 10,000 times in the last 14 months!

LPD bike auction & a spin down the Mopac trail.
This morning I rode down to the impound lot near Oak Lake to check out the LPD ceased and abandoned bike auction. There were around 80 bikes selling for a couple bucks up to $190 for the top bid on a nice Trek. Some were better than others, including this grocery-getter with the Fisher Price cart attached with an electric cord. I got skunked, and came away empty handed. But that's ok. It's always fun to watch, and I ran into some friends there.
I then took the pedestrian bridge over the tracks toward UNL's stadium where I found this message of love vs. power stenciled on the pavement. I jumped on the Mopac and rode east to find that Emilee a 2 year old had gone her first mile and celebrated by chalking the accomplishment near the trailhead on 84th. I continued east to 'the shack' before turning toward home. It was a great day for a relaxing spin. I cleaned up the bike and I'm all ready for a big day of riding tomorrow on the GPBC's Spring Fling ride. Today's miles = 32.4
Friday, April 23, 2010
I brake for yard sales.
Thursday, April 22, 2010
The Accomplice Accomplishments Hustle.
Tonight was another infamous Lincoln Alleycat Race. This one was called the Accomplice Accomplishments Hustle. Around 20 racers competed in groups of two racing to different locations around town and meeting up for 'challenges' finally ending downtown where we had to feed eachother sushi before the clock was stopped.
I was paired up with Conrad. But, us old duffers held our own comming in at 3rd place.
The race was around 13-16 miles depending on the routes each cyclist took. It was a perfect night and it turned out to be a really fun race! We had a 100 percent chance of evening showers, but they never materialized making it a sweet night to race around the city.
My milage tonight including to ride to the race and home was 24.1 making today's total 43.8 miles.
Happy Earthday!
Here's hoping you got a chance to spend some time outdoors today and maybe do something to lessen your footprint on the planet. Today's commute was great and totaled 19.7 miles.
Wednesday, April 21, 2010
The 1st Annual NSFW Ride was a success!
30 cyclist skipped work and braved a light rain today to ride around Lincoln on the NSFW (Not Sorry (for) Forgetting Work) Ride.
The ride was just over 43 miles and included stops at 5 Lincoln bike shops and lunch.
A special thanks to the Great Plains Bike Club, Joyride, Bike Pedalers, The Bike Rack & both Cycle Works locations, as well as Havelock area restaurants for making the NSFW ride so fun!
Including the ride there and back, and an evening spin with our youngest I logged 60.7 miles for the day.
Tuesday, April 20, 2010
Tomorrow is the first annual NSFW ride!
I took my Marin out to mark some of the turns on the bike paths with sidewalk chalk for tomorrow's big ride. I didn't get the whole route done, but did get 35.3 miles in for the day. Hope to see you tomorrow at 9 am on the North side of the Zoo for the NSFW ride!
Monday, April 19, 2010
Turds for gold. Thanks Chrome!
I rode to work and back today. And came home to find my new Chrome kicks waiting at the house when I got back!
Our youngest and I headed to Union College with the camera to celebrate and document my good fortune.
Chrome ran a promotion recently on facebook asking fans to send in an old pair of shoes for a free new pair of Chrome brand shoes. How cool is that? I love them!
Later this evening the misses and I rode to DQ for their Blizzard special. Today's miles = 21.7
Friday, April 16, 2010
Loving the work commute.
Took the bike to work today and stopped by Wal-Mart on the way home. It felt great to be riding instead of stuck in traffic If your not already riding to work, give it a try for a week or two, I bet you'll love it! Today's miles = 19.9
Thursday, April 15, 2010
Spring is here!
Today was a great day to be out on the bike! Flowers are blooming, the train is running at the zoo again, and besides a mid-day shower, it was nice weather. Remember, the NSFW ride is less than a week away. Hope to see you there! Today's miles = 19.5
Wednesday, April 14, 2010
Sweet start, bitter end. Ha!
This morning's ride to the office featured a strong tailwind and beautiful sunrise. I made record time and got there in 33 minutes!
I managed to avoid the midday showers. But, the ride home against the wind was SO slow. It took close to an hour on the trip home. The zoo is next to the Billy Wolff trail and now has the animals back from their winter home outside of town. The zoo opens for the season tomorrow! Today's miles = 19.3
Tuesday, April 13, 2010
The Tuesday night Nacho Ride was windy but fun.
Today had sustained South winds at 30 mph and gusts of 50 mph. I decided to make the most of it and worked on the road today, so while I didn't commute to work, I did get a ride in during the evening.
I met up with Patches at the 84th street trailhead on the Mopac. We made our way to Eagle for 75 cent tacos and found several other cyclists already there including Nacho Ride legend Cletus. The three of us rode into the sunset back to Lincoln. Today's miles = 20.1
Sights on yesterday's commute.
Sunday, April 11, 2010
Returned the Mount Vision 5.9 to Bike Pedalers and rode to work.
I took off late this morning on the demo MTB and rode to Bike Pedalers to regrettably return it and then rode my Felt to the office.
My self adhesive patch job finally gave way giving me my 3rd flat of the year. I switched out the tube and headed across town to the office.
I had a brush with fame on the Rock Island Trail when I passed Husker football coach Pelini as he was out for a mid-day run.
Repairs have been made on the John Dietrich Trail in spots where frost has heaved the bike path.
I finally took the pick-up home from work after having sat there since Wednesday. I logged 6 miles on the Marin Mount Vision and 12.2 on my Felt for a total today of 18.2 miles.
Gravel & single track with the bentventure crew.
The good folks from invited me to join them on a ride from Lincoln to Branched Oak Lake yesterday on gravel for some single track riding followed by a stop at James Arthur Vineyards.
This was my first real attempt at mountain biking and I had a great bike to spend the day on.
The group was so fun to ride with and I loved riding off road. It was the most fun I've had on two wheels all year!
I was riding a little beyond my abilities and by the time we were at the vineyard I had bonked like I never had before, so I caught a ride back to town and ended the day with 46 miles on the Marin MTB.
2010 Marin Mount Vision 5.9 Review

First off I want to mention that I have almost no MTB (Mountain Bike) experience. I had a 15 year old $80 MTB from Wal-Mart before moving to Lincoln and really starting to ride bikes, then I rode a Marin Comfort bike for 2 years and 6,000+ miles before buying my Felt Z-70 road bike last fall. So, for me to review the Marin Mount Vision 5.9 is like having someone that drives a Camaro test drive a Hummer - it's not really apples to apples. But, if your considering jumping into single track in a big way, maybe my thoughts will be helpful.
After leaving Bike Pedalers Friday afternoon I was quickly impressed with the hydraulic disc brakes, they stop on a dime and you'd better be ready or your going over the handle bars. You quickly realize you need to feather the brakes. The breaks are incredible and are VERY responsive. You give it a little break, you get a little break, you give them a big squeeze and you will stop right where you are. Their predictable, and once you have a feel for them, they invoke a strong sense of confidence.
The Marin Mount Vision 5.9 is a full suspension bike, you can look up the specks for the low-down on how it works. I noticed that it felt plush and forgiving on the streets and trails. Any cracks, bumps, holes, etc. were just floated over. Rather than the harsh treatment I'm accustomed to on my rigid road bike. Of course it takes a bit more effort to build up momentum and keep it going, but it really wasn't as bad as I anticipated. It weighs in at 25 lbs and can hold it's own on the pavement, it's not the tank I thought it might be.
I love the way it shifts, it's responsive, smooth and quick. Being used to my 30 speed road bike I noticed my cadence was faster when I was maxed out in the gears going downhill on pavement with the wind, but for anything short of that, there was a gear for every situation.
I also really liked the ergonomics, I found out fast that I needed to raise the seat a couple of times, because when your riding it the rear shock is absorbing your weight and that sets the bike lower than when your off the seat. Once I had that adjusted to my liking I felt really in-tune with the bike and like it was a natural extension of my body. It really fits well. The bars are comfortable, the saddle is surprisingly comfortable and it was just an all around joy to ride.
The Marin Mount Vision 5.9 looks as cool as it is, and is fun to be seen on around town.
Yesterday morning I joined up with the folks from I rode 12 miles across town to our starting point. Again I loved the way it acted in a urban riding environment. I'll write more about the ride in another blog post and just focus on the bike in this post. We began by heading N.W. on gravel to Branched Oak Lake, the last mile or two was on highways. The Marin Mount Vision 5.9 loves gravel! It was SO smooth over the rocks and bumps. It was sure-footed in deep loose gravel, would climb like that's what it was meant to do and bomb down hills like it was going out of style. The only weakness was the rider.
At the lake we hit the single track mountain bike trails. Now, this is where the Marin Mount Vision 5.9 really felt at home. Wow! It was SO fun. Even though I'm not an experienced single track rider I was safe and secure and had a sense of confidence the whole time. I truly felt like the bike was reading my mind. It absolutely did everything I asked of it. It was shocking how fast, smooth and agile it was. I had the time of my life. If you take nothing else from this review, take heart in this... The Marin Mount Vision 5.9 will go wherever you point it. And not where you don't. Even at times when I was riding outside of my abilities, the bike was forgiving and well behaved. We rode single track for several miles and I never had to get off and walk it, never accidentally strayed off the path and didn't wreck the whole time. It was predictable and knew what it was doing even when I wasn't. This bike will get you where you want to be quickly and safely.
We then left and rode down highways into the wind to James Arthur Vineyards. By the time we got there I was spent. I'd put 46 miles on the Marin Mount Vision 5.9 on Saturday alone. Some of the group continued riding back to Lincoln while I joined a couple others in a car ride back to town. The bike was a blast and was capable on all terrains. But really shines in the places I can only dream of going on my road bike.
I also want to mention the reliability. I didn't have any mechanical issues whatsoever all weekend. Not so much as a flat.
If your ready to step up to a more capable mountain bike. Or want to jump into a new sport with both feet. Then you've got to give Bike Pedalers a call, or stop by and see the Marin Mount Vision 5.9 in person. This bike is a demo and is available to perspective buyers to take out and put through the paces. Rather than just riding around the parking lot of the bike shop. That way you can feel confident that the Marin Mount Vision 5.9 is the right bike to get you out on the trails and home quickly, safely, and with more fun that you can imagine!