I had tailwinds both ways and highs this afternoon in the mid 70s. Everyone is out riding this week, hope you are too!
Today's miles = 19.5
Total miles for March = 601.1
Cycling, shooting, hunting, fishing, canoeing, camping, ATVs, etc. If you like to dabble in outdoor activities & have a limited budget & limited time you'll learn your not alone. Interested in starting or restarting some outdoor activities you've never tried or haven't been active in for years? You'll see how I squeeze time and money out of a busy career and family life to enjoy the outdoors. Click on March 2009 to see how I started doing what I enjoy today.
I had tailwinds both ways and highs this afternoon in the mid 70s. Everyone is out riding this week, hope you are too!
Today's miles = 19.5
Total miles for March = 601.1
The weekly Tuesday night Nacho Ride will be officially starting for the season soon. But, we couldn't wait! A group of around 15 of us met up and rode to the One Eye'd Dog Saloon in Eagle 10 miles East of Lincoln on the Mopac trail.
The glacier that had been covering the trail all winter is all but gone and other than that one spot it's dry and fun.
The food was great and it was a sweet way to spend the evening. Miles on the work commute and tonight's Nacho Ride totaled 53.7 for the day
On today's ride home from work I spotted this colorful character enjoying the day on his recumbent trike. There are getting to be more & more bikes on Lincoln's trails as everyone is excited to get the riding season started.
Warm temps, a hefty headwind, traffic backed up a mile long next to open bike trails (wth?) and the ice cream truck's bell ringing through Lincoln's neighborhoods. Today's high topped out at 74' - that's the warmest it's been in Lincoln since SEPTEMBER 27th!!!
My favorite part about this time of year is the bugs haven't come out yet, so you can still ride with no glasses and have your mouth open without filling it full of insects.
Reveal yourself to the city or nature and go for a ride. The outdoors are calling you.
Speaking of revealing... The famous mystery bike blogger BSNYC has revealed his true identity and announced his upcoming book. That's big news for cybercycling stalkers like myself.
And, the best for last, Dane O has posted an awesome video of the Scrabble Hustle on their blog from last Thursday. Check it our here.
Today's miles on the work commute = 19.4
We had a good turnout and rode around downtown Lincoln sharing our love for bikes with the city. I rode Trusty Rusty, and had a ton of fun.
I'd be remiss if I didn't mention that today is the NOA Blog's 1st birthday! Thanks for following me on all my outdoor adventures during the last year. I hope you've been having as much fun outdoors as I have.
Today's miles including the commute to work and Critical Mass = 36.5
Around twenty five racers came out for tonight's Lincoln Alley-cat race. There were 7 stops before the finish line. Racers could go to as many as they wanted. Each stop had a bag of Scrabble letters to choose one from. At the finish you were scored on your word.
The first couple to finish got extra points. I was around the 15th to finish,but my word was "quite" earning me enough points to come away with 2nd place. The race was a hoot. Depending on how many stops you made the length was from 6 to 16 miles. I made 6 of the 7 stops and must have raced around 14 miles.
I had to work in Columbus and didn't ride today till tonight's race. After riding home from the race I racked up 19.9 miles for the day.
And today was no exception! I love commuting to work and it only adds on a little bit of time compared to driving.
We were supposed to get a lot of rain today, but it mosty missed Lincoln and hit to the South and East instead. What luck. Today's miles = 19.5
How often does that happen? I was in the big ring all the way! This morning a breeze came out of the South and the ride home treated me to a strong North wind. Easy, easy riding!
Everyone else is talking about it, you could say the 'cat is out of the bag' on the Scrabble Hustle (alleycat race) planned for Thursday night. Come out for some hardcore urban fun. But, give them a heads-up first so they'll have you on the list. Also, Friday night is Critical Mass, meet on the North side of the Capital at 6:00pm.
Hey, I hit my first thousand miles on the Felt today, it took a long time with the rotten winter we had, the next thousand will add up much faster!
Today's miles = 19.6
At least that's what I kept telling myself as I struggled to keep pace with the tots and school agers filling the trails and soaking up some vitamin D during the first day of LPS's spring break.
Today's miles riding to work & back = 20.3
I rode to the office this morning, it was a warm 41' with light wind when I began, but was cooling off and getting really windy by the time I got there.
Things continued to get worse through the day and I drove home in a heavy snow in the pick-up. Hey, 1/2 a commute is better than nothing, besides I needed to bring the pick-up home after sitting in the parking lot of the office for over a week.
Today's miles on the way to work = 9.8
This morning was in the low 30's, but with no wind it was perfect to ride to work in.
This afternoon temperatures were clear up into the mid 60's, lots of bikes were on the trails. It was windy, but it felt great to get some vitamin D.
They were pouring concrete on the John Dietrich trail around the new Matt Talbut on the south side of the 27th St overpass.
Today's miles = 19.6 miles
Finally! For the first time in over 10 days the sun was out this afternoon and so were the outdoor lovers. The trails were busy as well as the parks. Now, get off the computer and get outside!
Today's miles riding to work and back = 19.7
Most of the barricades have been moved that were set up to keep people off the trails in the Antelope Valley Project. Work is still continuing, and there is quite a bit of debris on the paths, but being able to ride under the streets makes riding north and south fast and safe.
They'll probably block the trails off again as they have to use equipment down there, but as long as it's open, hey, why not try it out? Right now you can ride without having to stop from Devaney to Lincoln High. I love it! Today's miles riding to work and back = 19.8
Daylight savings time made getting up and going on time tuff today. The trails greeted me with a stiff headwind on the ride across town to work.
But, this afternoons tailwind more than made up for it! Going South was fast and fun. I detoured to Joyride, Bike Pedalers, The Bike Rack & Cycle Works 70th St store to leave off flyers about the April 21st NSFW ride. Be sure to stop in and pick one up and take a look around. And while you are there, thank them for sponsoring the NSFW ride.
I made my way home past Holmes Lake. I can't wait to get the canoe out and do some fishing, it won't be long! Today's miles = 33.4
Went to visit family in KS over the weekend and took the Felt along.
I took some gravel and black-top roads from outside Ottawa to Centropolis and back, it was a great little ride and very scenic. Today's miles 17.9
Yesterday morning brought some very wet, slushy snow to Lincoln. My bike's slick tires are worthless in those conditions, so I played it safe and drove. This morning wasn't much better with light rain and a heavy headwind.
I hauled the bike to work and as conditions improved I was able to ride home. On the way I stopped at Pepe's and Cycle Works to drop off some NSFW flyers. I'll replenish the other sponsoring bike shops early next week. Today's miles = 11.2
A clean bike and gear doesn't last long during a week like this when it's damp every morning.
With that said, today's ride to work and back featured a beautiful morning that was highlighted by a surprise close encounter with two coons who were less than thrilled with having to share the trail with me as I rode under the 48th St. underpass.
Then, on the trip home I rode within inches of a mallard who was going for a trail-side swim.
Sure beats being stuck in traffic for an hour a day! Today's miles = 19.7
Today's commute was a refreshing ride in drizzle/light rain. Once you've rode in the rain a time or two you realize it's no big deal and like grandpa used to say "You'll dry."
It really was a nice ride. And I'll take a light spring rain over bug filled roasting hot merciless summer days anytime.
I got 19.6 miles logged on the bike going to work and back today.
Don't sit around, the ice is basically off the trails and you should be on your bike!
Now that the ice has melted off the trails (except spots in the underpasses) I'm able to sleep a little later and ride the trails both ways on the work commute. I stopped by the store on the way home and ended the day with exactly 20 miles for Monday.
I rode the trails to the office this morning, then met up with Craig at Lincoln cyclist's favorite hangout for Sunday lunch, at Pepe's in Havelock.
After some great grub we headed west on the Superior St. Trail, rode around the Highlands loop, past Oak Lake then West on the Mopac. We then split up and I went South on the 84th St. Trail to Wal-Mart on Hwy 2, then back on the Billy Wolff. After some food and a break at home I rode West on Pioneers to the Rock Island Trail and took it to the Zoo before coming home on the Billy Wolff. Today's miles = 47.3 making this week a 200+ mile week. This week was so much fun! Here's hoping you'll make time to enjoy the outdoors in the days to come.
A couple of Lincoln bikes moved into a new place and invited other bikes and their riders over to celebrate. The bikes spent the evening on the balcony while their owners were inside having a great time.
I rode there getting 9.9 miles in tonight. Including the afternoon road ride I have 40.5 miles for the day.
I met up with Kent and a couple of other guys at Home Depot on 70th & Hwy. 2 for a late afternoon road ride.
Even though he claimed to have taken the winter off I struggled to hang with them. It was a fast ride and a heck of a workout. A fun way to add to this weeks mileage and get some early season road time in.
I left home on TR and headed to The Cup for a little sugar then went on to The Parrish Project on 14th & O St. To check out the art, entertainment and see some friends.
The art and atmosphere were really cool and the ride downtown on TR was so fun. I love riding that bike! Downtown and back is about 10 miles. Add in today's work commute and I racked up 26.9 miles today.
Went by the construction on the commute home today, can't wait till it's finished and we don't have to wait for traffic. The new bike trails will go under the streets making the commute faster and safer.
I took 48th St. To work and had a really strong tail-wind. I flew there! 7 miles in 26 minutes. This afternoons trip home was spent down in the drops and took 55 minutes to go 9.9 miles.
I rode to work and got my first flat of the year on the way. More like a slow leak actually. I aired it up a couple times and made it in without having to change the tube out.
I already had my pick-up at the office, I drove it to Columbus for a meeting and stopped off at Nebraska Cycling and Fitness (great bike shop! Stop in sometime) and picked up a few things. After I got back to the office this afternoon I switched out the tube, but wanted to join a ride at 6pm and didn't have time to ride home, so I drove.
I then rode from home to Cycle Works on 70th & Pioneers and met up with about a dozen others and we headed out for an 'urban assault' riding down the Billy Wolff to the Rock Island, then around the South Point loop and back on the Hwy. 2 trail, I broke off to go back to the house at the end. We had a great time, I got to meet several cyclist I hadn't rode with before. And it felt great to burn the cobs out tonight. We rode 18.8 miles. Including the 7 mile commute into work I got 25.8 miles in today.
Today the trails are still wet and grimy. But don't let that keep you from the fun a ride around town.
Tomorrow I have a meeting in Columbus, but didn't want to waste a day of riding by driving to work, and I knew I'd have to go back to the office late in the afternoon, so I rode there and back, then put the bike in the pick-up and drove from home to work and rode home again.
It was good to see a couple of friends on the trails today and many other cyclist. Everyone is loving this weather.
But remember drivers are not in the habit of watching for us again. I had a lady on her phone in a SUV pull into the bike trail crossing (cross-walk) when I had the light, cutting me off, once she noticed me I could see her mouth "Sorry, Oh my God, I'm so sorry." Even with her window up I could tell what she said. So, pay attention, and have fun.
Today's miles = 26.4
It feels great to be riding regularly again. I've been on the bike 5 out of the last 6 days and don't see an end in site as temperatures are expected to continue to rise.
I again rode 48th to work and took the trails home. With the ground frozen the melting snow is drenching the bike paths and not soaking into the ground making for a damp afternoon ride and icy conditions for anyone on them in the mornings.
Workers were clearing the drainage areas of volunteer trees near the Billy Wolff trail. There were also a couple dog walkers, several other cyclist and joggers out enjoying today's 42' high. It was a welcome change from lastweeks highs in the low 20's! Today's miles = 17.1
Yesterday's ride just made me hungry for more. And today was gorgeous! The bike trails I take on my work commute have ice in a lot of spots, so I decided to leave for work about 45 minutes early and take 48th St. (a major street that's not good to bike on) Trafic was almost non existent, it's shocking how bad that street clogs up starting around 6:30am and stays like that till evening.
The ride to work was fast, uneventful and short coming in at just 6.9 miles since it's a pretty straight shot. It's really not a bad route, if I can get my butt out of bed early enough to beat the traffic.
After work it was warm and I knew the ice would be mostly gone, so I rode the trails home and logged another 10 miles even. The trails had a lot of standing water on them, and my bike was a mess by the time I got home. But it was great to be out riding instead of sitting in trafic! I also rode around the neighborhood a little bringing today's total miles to 18.0
Now, time to clean the bike.