Yesterday I took a great ride on a great day! The trails were busy as I rode North across Lincoln.

In Lincoln the trees were in full color.

I then got on Hwy. 77 and went toward Ceresco. To make it more of a challenge I rode a old fashioned penny farthing. (just kidding)

Who doesn't love old barns?

On Main St. in Ceresco you'll find this restored steam engine.

Can you believe it? 73' on November 7th! I love it!

They won't tell anyone how much money you have. (they'll keep Mumm. Ha!)

Cool, huh?

This was too funny not to take a picture of.

Scenes from the firehall.

Veterans Day is just days away. Flag is a half staff for the Ft. Hood shooting.

This is what I want to be when I grow up! A bicycle bum! I ran into this old back homeless man on his Free Spirit bike in Ceresco. He asked to borrow a wrench to tighten his front break, but my modern bike multi-tool only has screwdrivers and allenwrenches. He said he was going to Lincoln, then continuing South.
He had two big fabric bags slung over his shoulders. I can't imagine how he could ride like that. But he didn't think I was too smart either, noting that my solid leather Brooks saddle looked a lot harder than his big wide seat that he'd covered with a homemade knitted cozy.
And sure enough, I saw him riding in Lincoln Sunday afternoon. Meeting him was the highlight of my day. To me, biking is 10% bikes, 10% being outside and seeing sights and 80% spending time with like minded people.

The Evangelical Lutheran Church in Ceresco. (cool picture, considering I use a cell phone camera for all my pictures, if I say so myself)

By the time I got back on the trails in Lincoln I decided to detour over to Memorial Stadium to see some of the Husker pre-game fun and add another mile or two onto my ride so I'd hit 50 miles for the day. I made it home with 50.3 miles for the day.